Alcohol intolerance: understanding your drunk Asian friends Alcohol tolerance differs among people.This especially gets clear when drinking with people of Asian descent. After a few drinks, they often show a red face and vomiting is imminent. Now don’t make fun of them, while it’s not their fault, it’s their genes. Rick van Koert • December 22, 2014 • 8 comments
Sunshine is needed for social behaviour! The incidence of autism has rapidly increased by 600% in the last decades while we still don’t know the fundamental cause of it. Genetics certainly play a role but apart from this there is also something in the environment...sunshine! Monica Wong • September 02, 2014 • 1 comment
Life, love, ... and robots Robots are becoming more and more human-like. Physically, robots have been produced that are almost indistinguishable from humans. Will we ever be able to fall in love with a robot, and if so, how long will that take? Roy de Kleijn • June 03, 2014
Eating to trust The administration of the amino acid tryptophan (TRP), contained in food such as fish, soy, eggs, and spinach, promotes interpersonal trust. This is the outcome of a study that we published in Psychological Science. Lorenza Colzato • October 21, 2013
Why aren’t robots doing my laundry yet? We are still waiting for robots that make our everyday life easier by doing the dishes and cleaning our homes. Of course, we have machines such as Roombas that can vacuum, sort of, but why do we still have to bother doing all those boring things ourselves? Roy de Kleijn • July 16, 2013
Can you ‘pose’ your way to success? Have you ever wondered why is it that sometimes you perform extremely well at presentations or job interviews while at other times your brain seems to freeze? Your performance in such tasks depends on the levels of two hormones: testosterone and cortisol. Tina van Dam • June 03, 2013 • 3 comments