Does taking Ritalin make you smarter? Could Ritalin be the new smart pill? Under college students the notion that taking Ritalin leads to better exam results is popular! Read this blog to find out whether this is true and if Ritalin actually increases learning and thus academic performance. Fréderique Arntz • October 24, 2017 • 2 comments
What color vision tells you about your brain and multitasking potential Some of you are better than others at distinguishing between colors. What can this tell you about your brain state and multitasking performance? Bryant Jongkees • October 10, 2017 • 2 comments
Vagus nerve can improve your social life How do we understand what other people feel? Somehow, we can ‘read’ the emotions on faces of other people, some easy, some hard. Not all people can understand this nonverbal language. Can we help them improve this ability with a novel brain stimulation? Alexandra Loseva • September 26, 2017
Train your brain: start listening to binaural beats Would you like to train your brain? Recent studies suggest that binaural beats might benefit multiple aspects of your cognitive functioning. Suzanne Bueninck • September 12, 2017
Intelligent pupils: What your pupil size tells you about your intelligence To signal that you can tell a lot about someone just by looking at them, people often say: “The eyes are the window to the soul.” However, pupillometry studies suggest that the proverb's more accurate version is “The eyes are the window to intelligence.” Roos Doekemijer • July 25, 2017
Moving to music can change your brain Music is closely tied to movement, not only in our experience but also in the brain. Only, what actually happens when we move to music? A new study sheds some light on this by showing changes in the brain after learning a new movement to music. Rebecca Schaefer • July 18, 2017 • 1 comment
Can Bodhi-Tree leaves stop a summer storm? Meditation has long been considered a method used to detach from the world and oneself. In contrast, ADHD is understood as the inability to detach from all kind of influences. A recent study has now investigated if meditation could help people with ADHD. Marius Markmann • July 04, 2017
Microdosing Psychedelics - the key to professional success? Magic mushrooms, truffles, peyote and other psychedelics have been used for centuries to induce strong psychological and spiritual experiences. New ways to use them are emerging: Could psychedelics be the caffeine or anti-depressant of the 21st century? Dominique Lippelt and Luisa Prochazkova • June 27, 2017 • 6 comments
How the vagus can help us to read other's emotions How can the vagus nerve enhance our ability to recognize emotions? Lorenza Colzato • June 13, 2017